Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I almost died!

Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration but I could have!

On Saturday, I decided to go back up to my mom's house in Rhinelander, Wisconsin, since I had Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday off. I had checked the weather before hand to see if we were going to get a big snow storm and saw that one was going to hit Tuesday night-ish. I figured by the time it hit, I'd be home already.

I had a good weekend at mom's. The nephew's stayed over night on Sunday and that, as usual, was exhausting, but fun.

On Tuesday, after colouring mom's hair ( a beautiful brown-red) I took off at about 3. The whole drive was fine. Just a little misty here and there so I was still able to go 75- 80 mph! Just as soon as I hit Rosemount though, the blizzard hit. I thought okay almost to Dad's house, nothing to worry about. As I was coming around the last curve on 42 before my right turn on 3, I completely lost control of my car. I slid into the other lane, slammed across the curb of the divided highway and I thought I was going to go into the ditch, but finally and luckily slid to a stop on the shoulder. It all happened in about 5 seconds but it kind of felt like slo-mo. I got out of my car and took a look to see if I had done any damage. My front driver's side hub cap came off somewhere. I got back into my car and sat there for about 30 seconds trying to process what just happend. I looked at the oncoming traffic and thanked the Gods that there were no cars coming at me whilst I slid acoss the highway because I truly believe if I were hit (which would have been head-on) I would have died. My hands shook for a least an hour afterwards. I finally got into the right lane, and drove to my dad's. When I got to my dad's, I told him what happend and you know what he does? He makes fun of me. I shouldn't be surprised though, that is typical Scott Adelmann for you.

He did go rescue my hub cap, so I guess that makes up for it.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I've started a blog (um, obviously). I don't know how interesting or exciting it will be to read. Sorry, Miss Amanda, but it will probably be kind of boring. But I will try! Until next time... (See I told you it would be boring!)