Thursday, April 29, 2010

Back Home

Finally got home on the 16th of March (two months ago already!) and it feels so great. I'm not going to fall back into that routine which usually leads to feeling like I was stuck in a rut. I work at it everyday and everyday it's struggle. But I have a plan for the next phase of my life, and that's a first.

The flight from Sydney to L.A. went by quickly. I took a handful of Dramamine before I got on the plane and watched about 5 movies while we were flying. I would recommend flying Virgin and if I can, I'm probably going to try to fly with Virgin on future trips. They were so friendly, polite, clean, and..well, pretty. Jenn and I prepared ourselves for our 7 1/2 hour layover at LAX and bought an all day pass for the wireless were we tried to catch up on all the LOST we missed, but by the 3rd episode, we really couldn't stay focused.

The time came when we were supposed to board our Delta flight back to Minnesota. I hate flying domestic, especially with Delta. It was so chaotic. Our flight didn't take off until 3:30 in the morning, 6 hours after our original flight time. The plane's wing had a broken part on it so they told us they were trying to find out if there was a new part to replace it, locally. Of course there wasn't. They then directed us to another gate to get onto a new, unbroken plane that was about 40 seats smaller than the first. It took another hour or so of the Delta people asking if there was anyone who could delay going home tonight. They put those people up in hotels for two nights and gave them food vouchers. If Jenn and I hadn't just spent 15 hours on a plane, 13 hours in an airport and actually had had some sleep, we probably would have taken them up on the offer! I'd always wanted to see L.A. but at that point I just wanted to get home. We were so close!

After figuring out who would stay behind, they had to redistribute new tickets. That was hell. No one knew what they were doing, including the Delta employees. Jenn and I finally got our new tickets and got on the plane. We had to wait for another hour for the flight attendants to get on the same page and for the rest of the passengers to sit down. FINALLY, we took off at about 3:30! I was so cold on the flight because I was sitting by the window. That was the first time on all of my flights that I have gotten a seat by the window and it wasn't that bad. I thought for sure I'd get sick as usual, but I was fine.

Off the plane in Minnesota, Jenn and I thought that our mom, who was the lucky one to pick us up, would have bombarded us. But surprisingly: nothing. We got our baggage and headed out the door and there was our mom, sitting in her truck. She didn't see us come out so I went and pounded on her window and scared the crap out of her. It was great fun.

After 24 hours + of no sleep, I surprisingly got my 2nd wind and agreed to drive to Wisconsin with my mom to surprise my older sister, who was visiting with my nephews, for her birthday. We told her we weren't coming back home for another month. We first saw our 3 year old nephew and as soon as he saw us he said "Oh my gosh!" That was the longest, and tightest hug I've gotten from him! After quietly kissing and hugging our nephews, my sister was called upstairs. We screamed Happy Birthday as soon as we saw her and gave her huge hugs. It's funny when you can literally see someone try to register something on their face, and that's exactly what Kassie was doing as soon as she saw us. Jenn and I had a bet going on. I bet that she would get her red blotches and cry and Jennie bet that she would just be like "whatever." She was really happy to see us but to my disappointment, no tears! Blast!

Like I said before, we've been home for 2 months and all the while I've been trying to find a job! I'm so poor, I could cry, and have! I even reapplied to Cub. Yeah.. that desperate. I'm so exhausted at applying, interviewing and not getting anything. Well, I did get a job at Stride Rite but I had to leave.... That's a different story that maybe I'll talk about later. Please hire me somebody! And unfortunately I've had to ask my dad (of all the stinkin' people) to help me out with bills. I have always been so proud of the fact that I've never had to borrow money of others, that I was always the one helping people out. It's really hard to ask. I hate this position I'm in right now but I am trying to find a new job. Tomorrow I think I'm going to call about newspaper deliveries. Not the ideal work, but it's good money. And I don't really mind having to get up that early as long as I can go back to bed!

Later, amigos.