Friday, September 3, 2010

I love Minnesota!

It's that time of year again. Minnesota State Fair time! I went with my mom last Saturday to the state fair and got in absolutely free. My aunt Diane is an EMT and usually works a few days at the state fair so she got us in with no charge, which of course is fantastic, since I have zero money and wouldn't have been able to come. Then I went on Wednesday evening with Jennie, Dad and Julie. Ate my weight in french fries, mini donuts, ice cream. I love it.

The one and only bad thing about this time of year is the weather goes from 90 degrees to 60, like today! I'm so cold!

I'm getting really excited for the Twins game Jenn and I are going to on Tuesday! Mauer better be playing, they better win and the weather better be nice is all I have to say. We have excellent dugout seats, courtesy of Dad and Julie for our birthday! I'll be wearing either somethng bright orange or a "vintage" Twins t-shirt that was my Grandpa's. It's from the '87 Twins championship, therefore vintage. Look for us on t.v.! :-)

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