Saturday, September 26, 2009

Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk

The Memory Walk was today. It was a little bit disappointing. Our team, Team Adelmann that is, shrunk instead of growing. And we didn't raise as much money as we did last year. This year it was Aunt Debs, Christopher and I walking. Melissa didn't participate this year because she had so much going on this weekend and to drive 3 hours back up to the Cities would have been too much. Jennie was going to go but woke up this morning feeling like crap. As soon as Jenn told me she wasn't going to walk, I thought "Oh crap, this will be weird." I don't know why but I have never felt 100% comfortable with my aunt. I love her to death but I have always felt....judged? But it wasn't bad at all. I met them this morning at 8:30 and off we went. We just pretty much arrived, registered, walked and left. When I first start to walk though, I always feel so emotional. I think because it's the one time I actually let myself really think about my Grandpa and how much he suffered. I miss and think about my Gramps everyday, but I feel like I kind of compartmentalize my grief and move on and then never really think about it unless forced. Maybe that's how everyone grieves? But on the walks I let think about the grief for about 5 or 10 minutes and put it back for another year. I just hope next year, on another walk, we can manage to add more people to our group and raise more money. I know I can be annoying about this organization, but it's so close to my heart, I can't help it.

I also had lunch with Amanda today. She's so darn cute with her growing baby belly. I'm hoping her dream comes true and she does have a girl. I can't wait for her to find out what the baby is!

P.S. Andrew turned 3 on Tuesday. One of my favourite classic actors, Paul Newman passed a year ago already. Time really does fly.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sorting the Last Few Things Out

I can't believe how fast the seasons have come and gone. This year it seems they have passed exceptionally fast, which is odd. I'm excited to go to Australia and have been waiting to go since February of this year. Usually it takes forever for time to pass. I shouldn't be so happy that October 27th is coming so swiftly, since I still have my insurance to straighten out, doctor appointments to go to and a bedroom to pack up.

I decided I was going to go through all my boxes in Granny's basement, throw out the things that I don't need and then repack them. Those boxes have been sadly neglected since November of '06 when I hurriedly moved out of my dad's house in one night. On top of that, I'm going to also go through all of my things in my bedroom, organize and pack it then bring it downstairs to sit with my other (hopefully) organized and nicely packed boxes. The only thing I'm leaving in my bedroom upstairs is my bed. I love my Granma, but she's a bored, nosy old lady and I'm strange about my privacy. I don't even like it when she stands in my doorway and looks around. Snoop. What's to stop her from going through all of my packed boxes in the basement while I'm gone, you ask? Granma doesn't go downstairs if she can help it. She has hip problems. In thethree years (actually 2 years, 10 months and 10 days) that I've lived with her, she's gone down there maybe four times. Not joking.

All the planning for Australia has gone quite smoothly, surprisingly. The only thing that is stressing me out is my insurance company. When Jenn and I tried to make doctor appointments last week, the receptionist said we were not covered. Hold the phone, whaaaaat? I've worked at the same unappreciating, soul-sucking ass-hole company for 8 long, unworthy years. I've paid my dues every week. I've dealt with pissy and sometimes incredibly stupid customers, giving them everything they want, all the while smiling and you insurance fucks can't pay one or two doctor bills? I will not give up the fight with them. I refuse to let them win. You're going down, evil insurance. I need to go to the doctor, I can't give up.

Megan has finally come home from Scotland. I am so excited to see her. It's been about a year since we have hung out and made each other laugh until we pee in our undies. I don't know if she is just home for a visit or if she's home for good.

I really want to have a Bon Voyage party. We would but we really have no venue. Both my aunts Sandy and Diane have offered up their houses as a place but I doubt any of our friends would drive 45 minutes to an hour for a party. My aunts both have a lot of land that people could mingle easily. I would like to invite some people from work but I don't know... It would nice to have everyone I care about and that I want to say goodbye to in one place without bitching. Who knows. The family was going to throw us a surprise party but mom blew that...

I hope everything just falls into place.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Memory Walk

The Alzheimer's Memory Walk is coming up. It will be on Saturday, September 26th at Hyland Park in Bloomington from 8:30- 10:30 a.m. I hope some of my friends will join me. It would really mean a lot to me since I watched, along with my family, my beloved grandpa suffer through and eventually succumb to complications of this terrible and unfair disease! You can either walk .7 or 3 miles.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Today, like everyday now, I was reminded by Jennie that we have only 50 more days until we board our flight from Minneapolis to Sydney, Australia. I can't believe it. Only 50 more days. From a small idea at the beginning of this year to an actual trip.

I find now that after all of our plans for Australia were set in stone (visas granted, healthcare insurance and the plane tickets bought) my attitude in life is better, unless you catch me at work (sorry). I was thinking to myself last night about how much happier, generally, I am about life. I was thinking about why before the Australia plans had I felt so blue? I think it's because I had the feeling that I was useless. Or that I wasn't really doing anything with my life; that I was just going through the motions. Worthless. Jenn and I are finally achieving one of our long-term goals in life: traveling the world. I wasn't much of a student but now I am proud to say that I'm becoming educated by the world, which, hopefully will satisfy my always curious brain. Going to Europe really opened up my mind and I can't wait to see what Australia has in store for me!