Saturday, September 26, 2009

Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk

The Memory Walk was today. It was a little bit disappointing. Our team, Team Adelmann that is, shrunk instead of growing. And we didn't raise as much money as we did last year. This year it was Aunt Debs, Christopher and I walking. Melissa didn't participate this year because she had so much going on this weekend and to drive 3 hours back up to the Cities would have been too much. Jennie was going to go but woke up this morning feeling like crap. As soon as Jenn told me she wasn't going to walk, I thought "Oh crap, this will be weird." I don't know why but I have never felt 100% comfortable with my aunt. I love her to death but I have always felt....judged? But it wasn't bad at all. I met them this morning at 8:30 and off we went. We just pretty much arrived, registered, walked and left. When I first start to walk though, I always feel so emotional. I think because it's the one time I actually let myself really think about my Grandpa and how much he suffered. I miss and think about my Gramps everyday, but I feel like I kind of compartmentalize my grief and move on and then never really think about it unless forced. Maybe that's how everyone grieves? But on the walks I let think about the grief for about 5 or 10 minutes and put it back for another year. I just hope next year, on another walk, we can manage to add more people to our group and raise more money. I know I can be annoying about this organization, but it's so close to my heart, I can't help it.

I also had lunch with Amanda today. She's so darn cute with her growing baby belly. I'm hoping her dream comes true and she does have a girl. I can't wait for her to find out what the baby is!

P.S. Andrew turned 3 on Tuesday. One of my favourite classic actors, Paul Newman passed a year ago already. Time really does fly.

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